Have you ever found yourself using the same smartphone model for three or four generations, only to be surprised by the significant leap in performance when you finally upgrade? You may have believed the old model was just fine, but once you experience that bright screen and those crisp graphics, you realise that all those gradual improvements over time have made a massive difference.

The same principle applies to hydraulic systems. It’s a well-known fact that people tend to stick with what they know and understand rather than embracing the process of change.  This is perhaps partly why many operations continue to use older systems that seem to be functioning adequately, not realising that without regular upgrades, these systems become less efficient and less operator-friendly with each passing year. 

With this in mind, let’s delve deeper into some key considerations that can help you determine if your hydraulic system is indeed due for an upgrade.

Take your hydraulic system into the future:

Download Berendsen’s Roadmap to Modernisation



1. You’re dealing with outdated control interfaces and functionality:

Legacy control systems often feature complex interfaces that can be challenging for operators to navigate. They also limit the range of control options available. In contrast, modern machine control systems offer intuitive interfaces and advanced features that empower operators with precise control over the machinery. This not only improves overall efficiency but also reduces the likelihood of operator errors.

2. You have difficulty integrating with new technologies:

If the idea of operating hydraulic equipment remotely or controlling it autonomously feels like science fiction to you, it might be time for an upgrade. Modern systems are purposefully designed to seamlessly integrate with a diverse array of components and cutting-edge technologies. Whether it’s integrating with IoT devices, implementing wireless connectivity, or harnessing the capabilities of advanced sensors, upgrading to the latest Danfoss system ensures compatibility with the most recent industrial advancements.

3. You notice rising maintenance and downtime costs:

Older hydraulic systems are notorious for their inefficiency and typically lack advanced diagnostics and predictive maintenance capabilities. In contrast, modern systems not only perform better but also provide you with the ability to monitor their performance. This proactive approach allows you to detect potential issues before they become major problems. Consequently, you can schedule maintenance more efficiently, leading to significant reductions in downtime costs.

4. You experience ongoing inefficiencies and productivity loss:

Do you frequently encounter inefficiencies and productivity losses due to outdated control systems? If so, it’s high time to consider an upgrade. Modern systems can help mitigate human errors, automate repetitive tasks, and streamline processes, leading to substantial improvements in productivity, product quality, and overall operational efficiency.


Conclusion: Danfoss Plus+1 will upgrade your operation in more ways than one.

In summary, it’s essential to recognise that small improvements can accumulate into a significant difference over time. If your hydraulic system has gone without a thorough review and assessment for inefficiencies and opportunities for increased operational value for an extended period, then the time for an upgrade is now. Berendsen’s world-class engineering team, empowered by the flexibility and functionality of Danfoss Plus+1 hydraulic machine control systems, can seamlessly transition your operation into the modern age.




Take your hydraulic system into the future: Download Berendsen’s Roadmap to Modernisation