Conversion Formulas
Use the below calculators to convert to your required metrics.
- Length
- Area
- Volume
- Mass
- Power
- Pressure
To convert A into B, multiply by the factor below.
To convert B into A, divide by the factor below.
Unit(Symbol) – A | Unit(Symbol) – B | Factor |
Inches (in) | Millimetres (mm) | 25.4 |
Inches (in) | Centimetres (cm) | 2.54 |
Inches (in) | Metres (m) | 0.0254 |
Feet (ft) | Metres (m) | 0.3084 |
Square Inches ( | Square Centimetres ( | 6.4516 |
Cubic Inches ( | Cubic Centimetres ( | 16.3871 |
Cubic Inches ( | Litres (L) | 0.0163871 |
Pounds (lb) – mass | Kilograms (kg) | 0.4536 |
Pounds per square inch (psi) | Bar (bar) | 0.06894 |
Megapascals (MPa) | Bar (bar) | 10 |
Horsepower (hp) | Kilowatts (kW) | 0.7457 |
US Gallons (gal-US) | Litres (lit) | 3.78531 |
Newtons/sq.centimetre (N/ | Bar (bar) | 0.1 |