June 2021
Merger of Berendsen Fluid Power and Pacific Hydraulics
Today, Questas Group announces that effective 1 July 2021 the Berendsen Fluid Power and Pacific Hydraulics businesses are merging. The merger marks a significant milestone in each company’s history and allows the combined group to offer an industry‐leading range of products and services
to their customer base.
This is a transformational step forward to form a national Australian leader in mobile and industrial hydraulics and is a once‐in‐a‐lifetime opportunity to combine our largely complementary portfolios, and geographic footprints.
Our Mackay Branch is Relocating
Berendsen Fluid Power Mackay branch will be moving to a bigger and better premises on the 28th June 2021, located at 42-44 Southgate Dr, Paget QLD 474.