Charging Kit


A Charging Kit is an important part of the setup and maintenance of an accumulator, with it you can:

  • Check the pressure setting of an accumulator
  • Calibrate an accumulator to the desired pressure setting

Ordering Guide

The ordering guide below provides technical specifications to assist you with your selection. When you are ready to order, simply scroll down to the 'Place your Order' section below the Ordering Guide or click on a part number in the Ordering Guide table.

Part Number Sub Section Description
19022-PPPP-001 Accessory Olaer VGU Charge Kit
19200-PB1P-000 Accessory Berendsen VGU Charge Kit

Place your Order

To make a purchase, simply scroll down to your desired part number, enter your order quantity in the box provided and then click on the 'Add to cart' button to add the product to your shopping cart.